Thursday, November 19, 2020

I am feeling very uncomfortable

 I have allowed myself to be cornered again by things to do that I am not getting done. It literally feels like I am trying to climb a wall with wolves at my heals.

It's not that I'm getting nothing done. I am getting a lot done, and I am happy with what I am doing, but there is more, and it's starting to feel like I am behind the 8 ball. I agreed to change a meeting from today to tomorrow when I really need those hours to make some phone calls and just plow through a bunch of things.

I need to plan the next few weeks and then move things out of the way that I don't have time for, put things in that I need to, and make sure that I have a little time to just relax and take care of myself. This feels like a journal entry and not for public consumption, but frankly, I am pretty sure that the public is NOT consuming and so that's good.

I am also starting to wonder if I am 'right in the head.' There are things I think are pretty profound and yet when I attempt to communicate them, they don't translate in the same way I think they should. Also, I am aware that I am not remembering things and that is a bit on the frightening side. But they come back eventually. For instance, I couldn't remember the name of Stacy Abrams' organization, but it just showed up - Fair Fight... Maybe I am just tired, which I am. I went to sleep at 1 and got up at 5... not enough sleep for sure... so, commitment completed, I did this entry - it's kind of shit and that will happen sometimes.

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