Tuesday, November 24, 2020

A week of appreciation or gratitude or whatever word works for you...

 Pam Grout wrote a bunch of books. I've read a few - or parts of a few - and they are always uplifting and inspiring and for that I am extremely appreciative. I love when things make me smile. On her e-mail today, she told the story of a little boy who was enthralled by a caterpillar on a tree. When his parents told him it was time to leave, the little boy whispered to the caterpillar - 'good bye, I love you.' 

The other story was about a little girl who kept 'emergency confetti' in her pocket in case something good happened. I love that idea and might need to start keeping some emergency confetti in mine if only it helps me to look for good things that are happening!

The power of humor and love are inestimable (truly they are too great to calculate). 

So this one might have to do with the power of love. This is a little trick I learned from Dr. Sue Morter and Marci Shimoff. When you feel discomfort in the body or mind or emotions - feel where it is in the body - give it a little squeeze and say "I'm paying attention, I've got you," and then breathe into it, and then breathe up and down your spine and just hold for yourself and see what happens.

As Ron and Mary Hulnick of University of Santa Monica fame have said for years. Earth is a school. We're here to learn and sometimes learning has pain and frustration and all those other emotions that tell us we're not where we want to be, It's helpful to know that so we can start focusing on and moving toward where we do want to bee. That's funny, I wrote bee instead of be. I wonder why... and oh yeah... another amazing thing to do... WONDER... 

I heard a story from a friend years ago. Her sister is a lawyer and was trying someone. She said I wonder how I am going to get the information I need for this case... she just kept wondering... she was inspired, on the way to court that day to stop for breakfast in a little out-of-the-way coffee shop. She just happened to get seated behind the defendant and got all the information she needed.

Wonder a lot - I wonder how I will remember to use the skill of wondering. I wonder what the characters in my NANO novel are going to do next. I'm supposed to be done in 6 days, but I have 78 pages and have absolutely no idea how I can wrap everything up in another 18 pages! It feels like it will need at least another 78 pages... Hmm... I wonder how I can wrap this story up with a nice ending in about 18 more pages and 6 more days!

I'll let you know.

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