Saturday, November 21, 2020

Did I say how much I love my life?

 The last few posts have looked at my foible-ish life. Today, I guess I pulled it together. So, the truth as I know it now.

1. Just do the shit - get it done - get it off my plate - don't just hang around waiting for it to somehow magically get done. Inspire myself however I can, just do it.

2. A way to create that inspiration is not to do general affirmations like - everything is always working out for me (though that is, fundamentally true), or Every day in every way my life is getting better and better and better, because those things - even 'I am healthy and happy' mean  Bupkis.

(Bupkis means absolutely nothing. It comes from the Yiddish bobkes, meaning nonsense or nothing, and it emerged in English during the early 20th century. It began as North American Jewish slang, but it's now used more broadly, often for humorous effect.)

Don't know if I created a humorous effect or not - but I really like the word. I really want to learn Yiddish (as if I don't already have enough on my plate - I actually have room for Bupkis!).

So... I had an interesting experience this morning. Mornings, during or after my meditation are always, it seems, times when interesting things happen. I woke up feeling sickish again. Took my temperature - lo and behold I had a fever 99 degrees (okay, not much of a fever). There was a part of me that was thrilled - after all I'd been spending so much time thinking I was sick - this was proof! I WAS sick! It wasn't just in my head. Law of attraction at work. My sinuses were feeling pretty awful so I decided to listen to Abraham (Abraham-Hicks) and 'take the drugs, dull the pain... and do the emotional work'. The emotional work turned out to be making the decision to feel better and to do it using specifics. Not a general 'I feel good' affirmation, but focus on what was actually feeling good. I realized, and this blew me away, that my toes felt good! I have been having neuropathy in my toes for ages (looking for and attracting the negative). Sometimes they really feel horrible, but I realized that they were feeling normal. They were feeling just like toes. It was so exciting, and then I said to myself - "It is so great that my chest is a little tight because I can actually feel my lungs and my heart" and I meant it! I started to mention other things that I appreciated and that felt good and lo and behold - the law of attraction said "Well finally!" and dragged me into a feel good day. 

I then had a full day of zoom meetings (that were all great) and an Abraham-Hicks seminar (where of course some of what had happened was described and discussed) and things turned out pretty great, except that it's already 10:30 and I have not done my NANO novel writing. Oooohhhh I can say that better (as Abraham loves to say). I love writing later at night. I feel that I am closer to all those wonderful souls who are writing with me and who have passed on to the other side and who were brilliant writers and looking for someone to help... so here I go... right after I hang up this blog phone, I will, and you know what, I think it will be great! Cool - I just heard Tony the Tiger in my head as I wrote that it would be GERRRATEEEE!

So Pollyanna is back! And I am thrilled to house her forever in my body. And she is cooking a turkey for Thanksgiving for herself and her daughter with lots of other wonderful things like sweet mashed potatoes and stuffing and gravy and pumpkin pie (not making the pie), and it is going to be great.

Did I say how much I love my life?

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