Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Happy for No Reason

 I'm feeling it again, that happy for no reason thing I felt years ago. I just want to go around and hug everyone which, this year, would have me thrown into jail I'm afraid. But yahoo... I am feeling so good. 

I am tempted to say, how do I hold onto this, but I think that is the thing that will kick it to the curb. I think the way to hold on is to just enjoy and appreciate. Wow. Life is currently absolutely amazing for me. Not that it hasn't always been. It probably has and I've just chosen to look somewhere else. It's not that I don't go diving into the gutter for moments at a time, but truly, it's now just moments at a time rather than days or weeks or months. I love this whole gratitude thing. Though I prefer appreciation as a concept, I am very aware how holding anything against a word or a concept or a person or an experience is the fastest way back into the gutter and you know what, I prefer it up here on my two feet slightly floating above the ground.

I am eagerly awaiting my daughter and her pumpkin pie to arrive sometime today, though eagerly would possibly indicate that I am trying to pull it toward me when I am fully cognizant that it will happen when it happens and that no matter when she shows up, it will be perfect. I feel so very blessed that she is in my life and I just relish any time we get to spend together whether it's on the phone or in person.

And what I wonder and long for is to feel that same relishing whenever I have the opportunity to connect with anyone of my species or really, any other. There is a great delight when I am walking and a dog who is approaching me looks so excited that I am part of his or her journey. It's almost like they're saying "Hey, You! Am I happy to see you. You can pet me if you like. I'd love to lick your hand!" It makes me smile and it makes me so appreciate this wonderful world.

I keep looking up because yesterday I created a zentangle that I can't keep my eyes off of. For some reason, I LOVE it. It makes me happy. They ALL make me happy to be honest. I am so filled with joy when I think about playing my little piano finger/note finding exercises, and when I do my zentangle. It just makes me appreciate so very much how finding these little things that make me feel connected to something bigger are so important to me. 

So I decided to include the zentangle page I am speaking of. The one that really fills me up is the one with the 'snail' on it. I love the others, but the snail one, for some reason... AND I love the remaining white space because that bestows the idea of possibilities - creations not yet created - but to come FOR SURE! 

Happy Thanksgiving all - I am thankful for anyone who reads this and everyone who does not. I am happy to be part of this messy thing we call life, and I pray, or at least hope that I have many more of these moments of being happy for no reason. AND, I think it's very interesting that I had this experience years ago, and then years later Marci Shimoff wrote a book by that title, and now I am participating (though not as full-heartedly as I might - which I am aware I am no longer beating myself up for - at least not in this moment) in her Year of Miracles class.

Love to peace and joy and blessings to us all. May the true spirit of Thanks Giving spread throughout our glorious country.


  1. Happy Happy, Dearest Nancy! Inspiring post! Love to Sarah. / D

  2. Writing again -- good for you! :)

  3. May you always have moments when you feel happy for no reason. And you've spread the joy - I'm so happy you're happy!
