Saturday, October 17, 2020


 I said I was doing this every day. SO I am here with pretty much nothing particularly interesting to discuss.

Except when I was at Sprouts buying food, there was a guy behind me and I was taking a lot of time looking for the coupon on my app (the person checking me out wound up using hers), and then it took me a bit to pack up. I know I was moving at a slower pace. I was not in a hurry, but I think he was, and I think he was angry at me and maybe even said something unkind when he sneered at me and passed me in the parking lot, but I had my headset on and was listening to something on my phone. I realized then that I can always ignore everyone and everything that wasn't going to serve me in being a more joyful, peaceful me by just keeping my focus on what I am doing or what I want. I could have said - in my mind - God Bless You I hope you got what you needed from how you are feeling right now.' So next time.

It reminds me of a time I was at a party with a friend. When everyone left and he and I were the last people, I asked him what he thought about how one person had treated another. He never saw it. It was obvious, she wasn't being subtle, but he never saw it. I knew he was doing the Course in Miracles lessons and figured that whatever he was learning from that tomb was making a huge difference in his life if he really wasn't even able to see the horrors around him!

I also realized that I need to do more of my Psych-K balances, and maybe be better at my A Course in Miracles lessons too! The balances help me to keep my beliefs clean and clear. And from my own past experience I know that my thoughts and beliefs can be changed by doing ACIM lessons as I think I mentioned in one of the first blog posts in this endeavor. It's the namesake... ACIM...

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