Thursday, October 22, 2020

I really think I am moving into A WHOLE NEW WORLD... thank you Disney and Aladdin...

So I finished off yesterday's post saying I would do some bibliomancy before bed in order to seek for an answer.

Here is what I got:

And for those of you who read ACIM it's in Chapter VIII #10 - The Problem and the Answer...

"In the real world there is no sickness, for there is no separation and no division. Only loving thoughts are recognized, and because no one is without your help the Help of God goes with you everywhere. As you become willing to accept this Help by asking for It, you will give It because you want It. Nothing will be beyond your your healing power, because nothing will be denied your simple request. What problems will not disappear in the presence of God's answer? Ask, then, to learn of the reality of your brother, because this is what you perceive in him, and you will see your beauty reflected in his."

I got more then I'd asked about. I asked about myself, and got that I am never separate from others. When I see another as whole and healed I will also see myself within the other as whole and healed.

I believe I also mentioned that Abraham-Hicks says Ask and it's Given (also the title of one of their books). So I did that today. I asked for help with these areas that are feeling somewhat out of control and I actually felt like I was being guided, and then I realized I don't HAVE TO listen. It's a choice. And I also realized that one must ask (or rather I must ask) in any moment that I need or want help. So it's not enough once a day to say, "Okay God, help me today." When I get to a place where I'm feeling a little stressed and wanting to go for something soothing like rainbow sherbet, I need to ask again in that moment. It needs to be, for me, anyway, a moment by moment prayer. 

So today was a bit of a crazed food day, but absolutely no mental or emotional repercussions in any form (and that is new). Just the idea that next time, I can ask when I'm thinking about moving into an area I don't necessarily want to be in.

I have so many opportunities when I'm with others to see them as they want to be seen, and yesterday in my Pscyh-K class with Duccio - an amazing Psych-K facilitator - he taught us a process he invented where we ask the person to see him or herself as they want to be and then balance for whatever comes up from that. Everything is so interrelated.

And then, of course, my wonderful Abraham-Hicks e-mail today shared:

"So, you could be on a high-flying disc that feels like love and appreciation; or you could be on a low-flying disc that feels like ornery. And if you’re wondering what disc you’re on, just notice the people around you. If they are ornery, that’s the disc you are on. And If they are on your disc, that is your point of attraction."

Excerpted from Orlando, FL on 1/11/14

Our Love

Esther (Abraham and Jerry)

Life is really so cool... don't you think? <3 

It was at this point I decided that the title of this pieec should be 'a whole new world,' but I couldn't remember what it was from so I searched and got the following two options.

While listening, I got some serious chills...  and decided to share them and the words which totally blew me away based on just pulling it out of the air! (like we ever really just pull anything out of the air!

Okay - one full week of blogging - yahoo me....

A Whole New World

I can show you the world
Shining, shimmering, splendid
Tell me, princess, now when did you last let your heart decide?
I can open your eyes
Take you wonder by wonder
Over, sideways and under on a magic carpet ride
A whole new world
A new fantastic point of view
No one to tell us, "no" or where to go
Or say we're only dreaming
A whole new world
A dazzling place I never knew
But when I'm way up here, it's crystal clear
That now I'm in a whole new world with you
(Now I'm in a whole new world with you)
Unbelievable sights
Indescribable feeling
Soaring, tumbling, freewheeling
Through an endless diamond sky
A whole new world (don't you dare close your eyes)
A hundred thousand things to see (hold your breath, it gets better)
I'm like a shooting star, I've come so far

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