Saturday, November 14, 2020

Year of Miracles - final day - Day 4

I am still at the time share because even though I live alone, I don't want to go immediately back into all my old habits. I need one more evening to integrate.  I enjoyed the retreat. We had a lot of different guest speakers who guided us though everything from soul retrieval exercises, to ancestral healing exercises, to breathing exercises, to qui gong exercises, to learning how to interpret oracle cards. It was a lot. Lots of new and interesting perspectives, some time to connect with new friends and hear about their journeys. 

I will let the days settle a bit and move forward and do what I can to integrate. I hope we will get some of the recordings because some of the experiences were quite wonderful and I'd love to go through them again. 

I'm still moving through A Course in Miracles and getting more and more intrigued by what I am reading. It seems so much different now than the last time I did it, but I think that by the time I got to the lessons I am doing now, I was really more engaged with Insight Seminars and The Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness (MSIA).

ACIM lesson 140 is Only salvation can be said to cure. So... this was a bit confusing for me and leads me to the final question which is so what the heck are we doing here? We are talking about illusions. Basically it is ALL illusion. "What the world perceives as therapeutic is but what will make the body "better." SOOOO where this goes is pretty weird. The body is an illusion and if I have a headache and take an aspirin to feel better, then I am using an illusion to heal the illusion. So basically nothing is happening. It then says "When it (what is "it" exactly?) tries to heal the mind, it sees no separation from the body where it thinks the mind exists. Its forms of healing thus must substitute illusion for illusion."

Yikes. So what I'm getting, I think, is that the body is not real, the mind is not real, so... what is real? And why are we here? If nothing here is real, what is the point of anything? I am truly hoping that that question will be answered later on. The next interesting piece is that the cure is basically taking away guilt because it is guilt that makes sickness possible. That makes sense to some degree.

So the course is asking us to 'lay aside our amulets, our charms and medicines..." etc and be still and listen for the Voice of healing. Voice is capitalized on purpose. So again... Voice must equal God who is responsible for the "curing" of all illusions.

The lesson ends with "This is the day when separation ends, and we remember Who we really are."

Who is capitalized. So here is my interpretation... we are all bits of God in bodies but have forgotten that. So we need to remember that bit of us and then we will see that all the endless issues that we all face are nothing more than distractions from where and who we really are which is bits of God that really want to connect with all the other bits of God so that we can all run around and have a great time. But as long as we buy into the craziness around us, we are blocking ourselves from really knowing ourselves... very interesting... now what can I do with this? Next...

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