Monday, November 30, 2020

Keeping it going

Just a short note today though it's been a jam packed day. Even though I finished my NANO novel yesterday, I added another thousand words to it today. I am just going to keep on keeping on until it is done. And that feels really good.

A very productive day and amazingly, no TV. I wonder if I just need to keep my head and body out of the room with the TV, and maybe it's even time to get rid of the TV again (not the TV - I'm okay with watching movies - but do I really need the news? Do I really need the bachelorette? Do I really need Grey's Anatomy or the rest of it? I might miss John Oliver and Bill Maher. They make me think AND laugh.

There is, however, a part of me that says, but you're a writer! You are actually writing now. You need to keep up with what's out there, and it is waving it's emotional arms and I wind up thinking, yeah, maybe I'll keep it. Just because I have it doesn't mean I am its slave.

My coach wrote me a love poem today. It was a consequence (they are big on promises and consequences) of having not treating me very well by double booking over our meeting time, and not letting me know. I had to tell her that she was double booked. She knew, she was just not staying up on what was what. We all do those kinds of things, and yet impeccable time management is an important facet of the Handle group's philosophy.

After reading it, I realized that I'd never had a poem written for me (unless I'm blocking it out). I've never even written one for myself which I really want to rectify. So maybe tomorrow I will do that. A poem for me by me. And maybe a poem for a friend or two. 

I have to admit that reading the poem, I felt heard. I felt cared about. I frankly felt loved. She is a good friend and I am learning a lot from her and am so appreciative of our open and honest relationship that is just getting more open and more honest. And that is what I am wanting in all my relationships, but mainly in the relationship with myself.

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