I am two days away from 'finishing' my NANO novel. I will get to 50,000 words and probably pretty easily, but what I don't have is a story. I have over 80 pages and something is going on, but it doesn't seem to be leading anywhere. I don't know that it's a big deal because really the goal is 50,000 words, not necessarily a beginning, a middle, and an ending. Though I would appreciate an ending or at least knowing where I'm taking it. The beginning is obviously done, and the middle is moving along, but the ending is somewhat elusive. I want an ending. I want to find out where these characters are going, but maybe they are on their own time and I just need to be patient.
I have two writing sessions scheduled for tomorrow, so I can probably even get to the 50,000 words then. I am hoping that either in my dreams or my mediation, that the story will start to head toward an ending. My mediations have been very fertile with ideas.
Tomorrow I also have to do some other things that have been hanging out in my mind and on my desk. The next two days will be busy, but good because I am intending it.
And as a total non sequitur, I have been thinking about getting sick as a tool for not having to do things, and my daughter, who spent the last few days with me, told me that she was aware that I do that. Then my friend Amy, when I told her, said she was aware of it too. And I thought I was so smart figuring it out. Maybe I need to find out what else they are seeing me do that is obviously, not the greatest way to move through the world!
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