Tuesday, November 17, 2020

I am having a blast writing my NANO novel and doing Zentangle and playing piano

 I feel like I am blossoming. I am loving all of the creative things I have started to include in my life.

I've been getting my piano tuned every six months since 2009. I just looked it up. My daughter started to take piano in 1998. So did I actually go without tuning my piano for 11 years, or was it someone else and I paid them in another way? That's kind of hard for me to believe, but... that is what my Quicken is telling me.

Anyway, that is a lot of money spent for not enjoying that instrument that sits in my living room and which I refuse to give up. I am having fun just playing scales and picking notes from a beginner book. I'm a slow learner. The notes evade me, but I figure if I do this every day for 6 months or so, I should get it. I've played before, but I've never been much of a 'reader.' I have a pretty good ear, and so I could, as long as I know what the piece is supposed to sound like, can figure it out and only really 'read' the music if I get stuck, in which case it's a challenge, so this time, I am learning to read.

Then there is Zentangle which I know I spoke about and am having a blast doing my drawings. I told a friend of mine, who really is an artist, about it and she is so excited. I'm sure next time we talk she will be an expert!

And then there's the writing. An old story... I went to see a psychic a very long time ago - my daughter was probably 10 or younger and she said to me that I should be writing. I knew I kind of liked writing, but I've really never thought I had a lot of talent. I have a lot of talented writer friends and so... anyway. It's fun, but I get lazy with it. However, now I am on fire... but back to the story... I went to see said psychic a few years later, and as she was opening the door to her office she looked back at me and said: "Why aren't you writing?!" That had to be more than 20 years ago. Well, finally, I am doing it. And I'm having fun. I still get a little daunted and I don't think the NANO novel I'm working on is all that wonderful, but some of it is amusing to me. I'll read it next year some time. I will put it in a drawer, probably on November 30th or December 1st, and just let it mellows for a few months. 

The writing isn't for anyone but me. I don't expect to sell this, or any other novel, though if I wrote something I thought was worthy, I might give it a shot. But just sitting down and allowing my creativity to flow freely is wonderful for me.

I think it is so important for me, and maybe for others, but I cannot speak for anyone but myself, to find what gives me that creative jolt. It could be anything, but it has to resonate. It has to feel inside like I am using my heart and mind and soul to the fullest. And that it brings me joy.

When I think about it, I start to wish I were still teaching. However, when I say that to myself and then follow it with: then go back and teach again, even just sub! There is a big part of me that says, 'no thanks!'

So for now, I want to allow my fun activities be fun for me and for no one else in particular.

So go have some fun!

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