So James Carville is my new positive thinking guru. I had already allowed my nervousness to take me to the fridge. Been doing that a lot lately. I'm getting all my questions answered...
When Susan Peirce Thompson said that she gained back all her weight in very little time I thought, "How is that even possible?" Well I hope I don't go all the way back, but okay... At the beginning of my weight loss journey with Bright Line Eating I was doing amazingly well and IT WAS EASY. And I just didn't understand why it wasn't easy for everyone. I get it now. I really wish I didn't always need to learn my lessons through personal experience.
So back to James Carville - he played Pollyanna today and said in his lovely Georgia accent "Democrats, put the razor blades and the Ambien back in the medicine cabinet. Everything is going to be fine." I laughed, I needed the laugh, and then I decided that I had tortured myself enough tonight and so decided to come up here and see if I had anything to say to my loyal audience of one (that would be me).
I am having a blast, (I wrote more or less and then decided that that was not accurate it was more than less and then I though why the hell am I even quantifying it? Why can't it just say I am having a blast?) with my NANOWRIMO novel. I have, however, written myself into a corner and don't exactly know where I'm going. I'm going to ask my dreams to present a possibility for me while I am sleeping. Hopefully, my creative subconscious will oblige me. I figured out what word count I needed to get to today and it turned out to be 5,129. I thought, I'll make it to 5, 229 because I was born on the 29th of October in 1952... I got there, exactly!
I'm actually feeling really great. Guess I'm trusting Carville who is part of one of the most interesting couples in the world. Left winger married to right winger Mary Matalin. To me that says a lot. It says that someone can love another even if there is something about their lives that is completely opposite. The other couple that really blows my mind is Kellyanne Conway and George Conway. She is the person who came up with Fake News or was it alternative facts... And Conway helped to start the Lincoln Project. How on earth could they be together? Well, I guess they are both republicans but then there are republicans and republicans and they have now both quit their jobs Trump/Lincoln to be there for the kids. Good decision - especially on Kellyanne's port.
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