Wednesday, March 18, 2015

My Cranky Day Made Better By Shopkick, A Volt, and a Purse (and then later the way that it MAY have come together)

(Just added a new piece at the end in case you've read this one)...

I know that when things seemingly go wrong, it's because that is where my energy is taking me; that is what I am attracting.

Every other Wednesday I get a box of organic fruits and vegetables. The box is generally delivered before 6:00 am. A number of weeks ago I didn't get the box till almost 11:00 (I called to find out what was up and it was coming - and it came), so when my box wasn't out there at 7:00 am, I didn't really worry. I finally called after 11:00. I was told the box had been delivered. Well, it wasn't outside, and the empty box from two weeks ago was still leaning against the wall near my front door.

I was pretty pissed, and I kept thinking, what is going on? What am I doing, thinking, etc, that is bringing this to me? I know it is me. Little irritating things have been happening a lot lately, but I haven't taken the time to "clean up my energy."

While on the phone with the agent who told me it had been delivered at 5:30 in the morning, I was getting a little snarky and hinting that I might just stop using the service. She offered to have a box delivered the next week and to take off the fee as well as to deliver another free box in April. None of that mattered, and I knew it wasn't them - it was me - but I was too cranky to even admit that or mention it. I wanted someone else to be to blame.

I decided to walk outside and look next door. Maybe my box had been dropped off at my neighbors. It wasn't, but it was in my flower bed against the garage wall. Okay, my bad it WAS there, but they had just dumped it in the dirt (the flowers are actually all gone). I never would have noticed because I never use the front door. So what was going on?

I'm still trying to figure it out. I've been tired, and eating a lot not even feigning self-control. But I know it's me. I know that I have to adjust my thinking, my focusing.

After a long and tiring day, I decided I had to get out of the house. I decided to go Shopkicking.

Basically, I run around with my cell phone to different stores where I can get points just for going into the store and sometimes scanning certain items. For my trouble, I get gift cards. Between my Discover credit card and Shopkick. I haven't paid for a Starbucks drink or an i-tunes app or song in a while. And it's fun. Like a treasure hunt. I needed to get outside of myself. I needed a change.

So I went to Albertsons to get my points. I parked and was walking toward the store entrance. There was a woman in a Volt and I waved to her that she could back out of her space. I would wait. The Volt is one of my now favorite cars - I drive a Prius Plug-In but my friend Liz drives a Volt and is getting over a thousand miles per tank of gas. I have mileage envy. As the woman pulled out I signaled for her to pull her window down. I asked her how she liked the car. She loved it, of course. I told her about Liz. She wasn't getting quite such great mileage. We had a nice chat, and then I noticed that on the seat next to her was the exact same purse I was carrying! I lifted it up and said, I think we're twins. She and I laughed and I felt like I was back on track. My miracles were still out there for the picking.

But I still need to figure out how to get more of my life like that. Actually, the idea of figuring it out is very counter the concept. I really want to just focus on those things I love - like the experience with Volt lady, and paper man and all the things that happened years ago when I was studying A Course in Miracles.

I got home and cleaned all the fruits and veggies, got them cut up and put into the fridge. I watched some TV as I did that, and then sat to pet my cat and watch a little more. I was completely bored and disengaged, and feeling like I might just as well go to bed when I realized that I need to write this up before doing anything else.

So I am writing, and l am feeling better. So perhaps the universe telling me I need to Shopkick and write, and leave all the cleaning and TV watching and finance stuff... well, that's not exactly accurate. I enjoy doing those other things, but I think I am being told that I need to go out and have more fun. So I intend to listen and inside right now I am getting a big YES! Not sure what that means or will look like, but it does feel like something is about to change.

There have been so many other little wonders and miracles that I haven't written about, and I know that I have to bring them to this forum. I must acknowledge them and make them important enough to capture and chew on. So we'll see...

Now I have to change the pee pad under my cat box as she's decided that she prefers to wet the pad rather than clump the litter. With a smile on my face and a light in my heart I will do that task and be in bed by 10 (unless I get inspired to do something else).

FAST FORWARD TO THE NEXT DAY... I forgot a pretty major piece of this experience - but then it only hit me this morning in the car, so...

When I was checking out at Albertsons (they really should have put an apostrophe between the 'n' and the 's,' but they didn't...), the person who checked me out did a double take and we looked at each other knowing that we knew one another. "Zimmerman, I said, you're married to Rick who worked at the school." The bizarre thing about this is that her name is the same as my mother's maiden name - first and last - Sherry Zimmerman (so why did I not remember this immediately?).

I was thinking about this in the car this morning. The incident with the woman, her Volt, and her twin purse, and then seeing Sherry Zimmerman for the first time in maybe 8 years, and I realized that my now deceased mother must have orchestrated this exit from Crankyville. I said out loud "You did that, didn't you Mom?" I felt so lifted that I knew it must be true (and I figure that several of my friends who might be reading this are rolling their eyes).

I have so many people on the other side that I can call on to help me; I should really use them rather than waiting for them to use me.  ALSO, I know I can count on those who have passed whom I did not know if I believe (I DO believe in other-side helpers, I do, I do, I do!).

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